I love to think of ways to recycle or reuse-- so I have tried this idea of using a jar lid placing a small painting inside,epoxy and a pin on the back. Monster pins.
View more please visit...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Jarlid Pins
Sweet Dreams
This is another Wonkie that I painted--depicting a young lad(perhaps me ?) blissfully sleeping while the monsters lurk about under the bed.
To view more of my recent work visit ~
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gnarled Tunes
some paint around...
A bit of darkwave,industrial,eclectic and a surprise or two.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Rude and Spicy Pins....
Well its been a great past few days-- still enjoying the high of a fantastic
Hallowe'en party, enjoyed givin' scares and candies to the kiddies on Hallowe'en night and another 5 shops and gallery are on board to sell my work!
I made yet another batch of beer cap pins- around 350 .... and made a few
that were hmmm, shall we say - a wee bit raunchy.
I'd like to share a few...
I apologize in advance and don't look directly at your monitor screen.
Make sure to check out "The Gnarled Branch" on Facebook... I'm there more often and
there's a few tricks and treats to see...
take care and hope you all are well!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
mixed media on reclaimed vinyl record...
all my records that I paint on were far too damaged to play anymore and were destined for landfill...
a pushpin through the middle is all that is needed to mount.
no$$$ framing required!
October.... I'll miss the warmer weather..but Hallowe'en is around the corner--and I get GIDDY!
Here's a sampling of a number of record paintings that could haunt your walls...
This piece is now SOLD!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Even though I love painting horror or creepy themes...I can't
abandon the fun of colours and humour...
Trick or Treat 2
Hallowe'en is by far my favourite time of year...so I've been fooling around with some techniques and medium to provide a spooky
look...hope you like it!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
APW arts
APW Gallery in New York...
Three of my records are shown here in the middle...
roadkill bird
teen on bike
and the pink weirdos at the top...
photo credit shimmerstolz--who by the way had some pieces in the show that blew my mind...very inventive--wish I could've been there to see in person.
APW arts gallery opening
Opening night at APW Gallery featuring vinyl record artists from around the world.
I submitted 4 pieces.
photo credit- shimmerstolz
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Beer Cap Pins

The end of July ALREADY!
Sheesh where does the time go--as they say?
Insert violin music.
I wish I could do my art stuff more regularly and not devote so much time
to a job that I'm not all that thrilled about and leaves me physically exhausted
and sore every night.
Oh well...may have to look into the artist grant thing.
I'm in the middle of making almost 400 new beer cap pins, magnets and pendants.
Making sure I have enough for new shops that are carrying my work and for upcoming events in August.
Thanks to all my drinkin' pals and gal pals who donate the caps.
Here are few samples of ones I've done in the past that I still laugh at when I see them.
and thanks for reading!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Latest Works on Vinyl

I always love to fool around with techniques and approaches...
here's some finished pieces that were included in my solo exhibit
at the Loose Canon Gallery.
The opening night btw was amazing---great vibe, super crowded and
lots of sales!
Next event will be the Dundas Cactus Festival on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Off to the Races.
The Eco-art fair also includes
“switch it + stitch it” sewing, “natural painting”, and “altered books” workshops,
environmental discussion groups and
community demonstration booths.
There may still be time if you have something to offer.
if you want to be a vendor or create an outfit for trashion show, contact: megan (imadeit.shop@gmail.com) or carey (sinfulbeautygifts@gmail.com)
if you have an activity, workshop or demonstration, contact: brian (brian.scott@kitchener.ca)
volunteers to help the event run smoothly are always welcome (contact brian.scott@kitchener.ca)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Let me explain.
There's a number of juicy and affordable events/festivals that I'm interested in applying for--but
some are overlapping on the same weekend.
Generally you have to send in with your application and check a few samples for a 'jury' to look at and decide if it is good enough or congruent with the event.
Then you may find out that you are double booked.
ehhh.... I've spent so much time trying to research events and promote the site--I haven't TOUCHED a brush in several days...and I'm getting irked.
Today I NEED to work IN the studio and avoid getting sucked into surfing festivals for possible shows this spring and summer.
Before I go, I'm in a cool art event showcasing artists who paint on vinyl records.
These artists are from all over the globe, and to have my work in with theirs is a cool feeling.
take care gang.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
In 2nd Gear
Show Dates~~
1. Saturday, March 22, 2008 Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm Craft Show Location: TBA shortly City/Town: Kitchener, ON
2. Thursday March 27 2008...opening night for Group Art Show "12inch3"
vinyl record art The Orbit Room2077 Pembina Hwy
Winnipeg Manitoba
Features artists from Canada,Brasil,USA,Italy,England and France
3. SpeakEasy’s Spring Craft Show Show & Sale
Thursday April 3rdGladstone Hotel, Toronto
8pm- midnight
4. Brampton Art Fair Saturday,
May 3, 2008 at the Rose Theatre - Brampton, ON.9am-4pm
Things are rolling along...now to get some more sales going!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Upcoming Events--- confirmed shows!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
New Video
Things are rolling along with the art.... although there never seems to be enough time in the day.
Enjoy the video.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
New Site is UP!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Very Excited
a whole new added section of my popular beer cap pins, over 12 new paintings almost finished and now little snippets of the creative process and moments caught in the studio using video...I really feel The Gnarled Branch is achieving a more well rounded maturity and uniqueness that it didn't quite have before.
I feel invigorated and excited.
Here's a small clip that was taped earlier today. Enjoy.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I was thrilled to have been blogged by http://torontocraftalert.blogspot.com/...
what a delight.
I've been lurking about that site for quite some time-- at LEAST 5 times a week.
It's a great source of info on what's going on, and where to go thats crafty, arty and neato.
What a great decision it was to post on their flickr group.
Good people there..now it looks like I'll be visiting there more than I did prior.
Other than that it's good to get back on the blogger saddle.
I was distracted with posting rants and info on www.facebook.com
and it just seems that there isn't enough time to work a business, a side business, get groceries,
enjoy a few drinks with my wife, laundry...the mind boggles if I had kids...
I am working on a number of projects and with the longer and brighter days so to is my
creative buzz..longer and brighter.
The time around the holidays ALWAYS saps my want and desire to create.
Its a great time of year for family and friends, but the nonsense that it all entails is and can be overwhelming.
I look forward to rejoining my cohorts on www.illustrationfriday.com
and having a tea....haven't enjoyed a tea in a remarkably long time.
thanks for reading,